nick peck



years in the sport


Total Skydives

lead AFF-I, coach

Role at DZ

canopy piloting

Favorite Discipline


Nick’s journey into the world of skydiving began in a completely random and spontaneous manner. One day, he decided to try a tandem jump without knowing what to expect, and that single leap ignited a passion that would change his life forever.

With over 13,000 to 14,000 skydives under his belt, Nick has become a seasoned skydiver. He is the lead AFF Instructor at Skydive Moab, specializing in coordinating and guiding aspiring skydivers on their path to becoming skilled jumpers. As the AFF lead, he takes pride in nurturing the "baby birds" and helping them spread their wings.

When it comes to flying, Nick's heart belongs to canopy piloting. He thrives on the exhilarating maneuvers and precise control that comes with navigating the skies under a parachute.